Monday, December 14, 2015

Lounging Beverly Koepplin

I was lounging, unabashedly and without remorse,
even though I had writing to be done, 
plants hoarsely crying for water,
and a kitchen floor screaming dirty words at me.

And this is how it all started.

I laid down on the sofa to contemplate lounging,
soft pillow under my head, 
a bowl of ripe round glistening cherries at hand,
And a slight, temperate breeze caressing my bare skin.

I thought I should look up the meaning of the word “lounge”
so I would know exactly what to write about.
Grabbing my smartphone (also conveniently at hand), 
I accessed my Dictionary.

“Lounge” means to pass time, idly and indolently,
To rest or recline indolently, loll,
To go or move in a leisurely, indolent manner, saunter.

I decided I could lounge, it seemed doable,
and I also decided I liked the word indolent a lot.
It seemed to go hand in hand with lounging.

While I was trying to find the perfect position 
in which to lounge,
the house phone rang.  It was not conveniently at hand.
I got up grudgingly to find the handset, 
vowing to return to lounging ASAP.
Seconds after I abruptly terminated the call 
from an insurance salesperson,
I was back on the sofa, conjugating the verb “lounge” thusly –
I had been lounging, and I was currently lounging.

And when the doorbell rang, I muttered to myself 
“and I will be lounging again.”
After I got rid of the earnest young man 
who could sell me steaks at a good price
because he had been delivering them next door 
to my neighbor (ha!), I returned to the sofa.

Making sure the house phone was close and my door locked,
I laid down again, rearranged the pillow, 
and reached for a cherry.
Ah, I thought as I dangled the cherry above my mouth, 
I could grow to like lounging.

I decided to give lounging some more time 
to be sure I had the process right
I snuggled deeper into the soft pillow, 
turned my head to the breeze,
and let my mind drift hither, tither and yon, almost indolently.

At some point, the drifting found a home in sleep,
and I awoke to discover that, yes, I could indeed lounge
and that furthermore my writing was all done 
in my head and needed just to be put to paper.

As I got up, I thought to myself that I could definitely
Find room in my future for more indolent lounging.

After all, I seemed to excel at it.  Who knew?

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