Thursday, January 5, 2017

FIRE- Noris Binet

I sat in front of the fire
looking for warmth I thought, 
but hidden within
there was something else--
a desire 
deep within
that went so far back 
to my time in the cave
when fire was
my wise mirror, 
when sitting in front of it
became the time for reflection
the time for contemplation, 
the time to rest
in the burning desire
to know, to discover
the secrets of life! 

El fuego se convirtió 
en mi espejo, 
en mi contemplación
y donde mi ferviente deseo
de conocer los secretos 
de la vida
encontraba descanso!

The fire was the place of reunion
where everyone came
to be warmed, to share, to unite
in the middle of the dark
with the spirit of the night!
The fire became 
a big mirror for each one--
for some to confess
their mistakes 
like the Huichols Indians 
before consuming 
the sacred plant 
the jicuri, a god 
for some, 
to forgive one another
for others to evoke
the spirit of purification 
and engage in the exorcism
of undesired entities
that had controlled them 
for a long,  long time
and to let the fire burn 
them up
into smoke rising in the air! 

La fogata
es un lugar de reunión 
para calentarnos y compartir
para unos reconocer sus errores 
para otros perdonarse 
para muchos exorcizar los demonios 
que lo han controlado por mucho tiempo
y dejar que el fuego
los queme convirtiéndolos en humo!

The first time I met the fire
I was hypnotized
by the flames
by its amazing nature
to extinguish itself into ashes
leaving  me alone
sitting on the ground
till the sun rose. 
The sun of nighttime
deep within my heart 
to illuminate my path! 

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