Downsizing - Joan Brady
The letter they sent said that they were sorry,
but they started before we ever received it.
It said that their decision to reduce the work force
had been painful.
They started with the Public Relations Man.
But they started before we ever received it.
The Public Relations Man reminded us of Fred Astaire
They started with the Public Relations Man.
The Director brought him a check and a cardboard box.
The Public Relations Man reminded us of Fred Astaire.
Always he insisted that the company send Christmas Cards.
The director brought him a check and a cardboard box.
The letter said staff reductions would only amount to 4%.
Always he insisted that the company send Christmas Cards.
We used to laugh at Fred Astaire and his Christmas Cards.
The letter said staff reductions would only amount to 4%.
It said that 4% equaled 2,600 full-time equivalents.
We used to laugh at Fred Astaire and his Christmas Cards.
Always the Public Relations Man would try to be polite.
It said that 4% equaled 2,600 full-time equivalents.
When given his check and his box, he said “thank you”.
Always, the Public Relations Man would try to be polite.
It said they knew that full-time equivalents were people.
When given his check and his box, he said, “thank you”.
It said they would try to be as compassionate as possible.
It said they knew that full-time equivalents were people.
The Director watched him while he packed his things.
It said they would try to be as compassionate as possible.
When he finished, Security escorted him out of the building.
The Director watched him while he packed his things.
The letter told us that we are in “economic white water.”
When he finished, Security escorted him out of the building.
It said that, on Friday, all of us would be laid off.
The letter told us that we are in “economic white water.”
It said, there will only be a few job slots left available.
It said that on Friday, all of us would be laid off.
It said that on Monday, we could reapply for our jobs.
It said there will only be a few job slots available.
It said that they will decide who to hire back on Tuesday.
It said that, on Monday, we could reapply for out jobs.
Secretly, I called the Public relations Man to say goodbye.
It said they will decide who to hire back on Tuesday.
The Director told us, “working now is like
being on a roller-coaster.”
Secretly, I called the Public Relations Man to say goodbye.
I called, but his telephone was disconnected.
The Director told us, “working now is like
being on a roller-coaster.”
The Director says he “loves to ride
in the front of roller-coasters”
I called, but his telephone was disconnected.
Always, whenever I ride roller-coasters, I vomit.
The director says he “loves to ride,
in the front of roller-coasters.”
The letter they sent said that they were sorry.
It said that their decision to reduce the work force
had been painful.