Monday, February 20, 2017

YES - John Field

Yes ...
I love the word and hear its long struggle with no
even in the bird’s throat and the budging crocus.
------Brendan Kennelly 

Say yes and the incomprehensible 
Is rendered simple, fabulous.
It may not be the place
but it’s whatever it takes
to straighten out the hairpin curves
in the twisty road that leads us there.
It’s a patch of sunlight on the lawn 
the antlered trees let through, 
afternoons soft and warm
and a night just before dawn
when  you’re wandering around the edge 
of town searching for a place to hang out 
because you’re caught between lovers
or jobs or novels or religions
and there it is: the neon glow 
of a sign in the window 
of Ned’s Chophouse, Bar and Grill: 

Whereas NO is a stone word 
famous for the possibilities
it pulverizes. One we can’t play
at making glamorous, like war
and the casket-rattlers 
who make patriotic speeches. 
It’s a life locked in the static
between radio stations,
a three course dinner the size of a dime
we paid a hundred dollars for,
and the blue-streak chatter 
of an hysterical woman  
who alternatively fingers 
the bruise on the back of her neck 
and her broken nose. In front of a cinema
it’s a line that never moves 
and at funerals a Chaucerian fart.
We have all of us thought 
what it would feel like
to discover the fountain of youth,
but the only agelessness is YES.

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